PEV Actions

PEV Actions2020-02-04T13:23:51+00:00


ACRU’s Ken Blackwell chairs the America First Policy Institute’s Center for Election Integrity in Cooperative Effort to Protect America’s Election System


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Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628,

ACRU’s Ken Blackwell chairs the America First Policy Institute’s Center for Election Integrity in Cooperative Effort to Protect America’s Election System

Naples, FL– The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) announced today that ACRU Policy Board Member and former Ohio Secretary of State, Ken Blackwell, is chairing the America First Policy Institute’s Center for Election Integrity in a cooperative effort to encourage citizen involvement in protecting American elections.

Blackwell, also the former mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio, discussed the importance of citizen participation in protecting election integrity on Friday’s edition of SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow. He emphasized the need for citizens to become poll workers as a first line of defense.

“What we’re trying to do is to make sure that folks understand that whether it is open borders, whether it is the advancement of state-sponsored racism, or whether it’s crime wave associated with this effort to ‘defund the police,’ all of this comes together as a leftist movement that demands we push back. Because as Frederick Douglass said, those who are whipped easiest are whipped most often,” Blackwell states.

Lori Roman, President of the American Constitutional Rights Union, praised Blackwell’s leadership in fostering cooperation between like-minded organizations to protect elections. “It is a good sign for the country that many organizations are working cooperatively to ensure it is easy to vote and hard to cheat. ACRU Policy Board Member Ken Blackwell is a great leader and role model in these efforts.”

To listen to Ken Blackwell’s interview on this subject:


American Constitutional Rights Union, a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally protected civil rights of all Americans.

August 22nd, 2021|

ACRU: Vote Fraud in Nursing Homes is Real and Verifiable

** Press statement and Media Availability **

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 12, 2020

CONTACT: Lori Roman 877-730-ACRU

ACRU: Vote Fraud in Nursing Homes is Real and Verifiable

Naples, FLAmerican Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) has provided affidavits to the Texas Attorney General as part of a request for a criminal investigation into alleged vote fraud committed against a resident with dementia in a Texas nursing home.

In April of this year, ACRU launched its Protect Elderly Votes project to protect seniors from vote fraud and ballot manipulation by providing resources and guidance to seniors, senior residence staff, and anyone assisting the elderly with voting.

ACRU’s vote fraud hotline (877-730-ACRU) has been advertised throughout the country for residents and their family members to utilize to report suspected fraud. The Texas case is a result of a tip through the ACRU hotline.

This hotline also received a documented tip from a credible poll observer at a voting center in Detroit. “John” witnessed falsification of ballots (particularly military ballots) and saw unverifiable ballots appear. He documented “bullying” and “blocking” of GOP count observers.

ACRU pointed him in the right direction and he is now one of the whistleblowers in this lawsuit. We are grateful to “John” and the many honorable and patriotic whistleblowers who are standing for voting integrity. They are heroes.

Just last week the Texas Attorney General announced an indictment of a social worker in another Texas town on 134 felony counts of election fraud perpetrated against nursing home residents.

A key part of ACRU’s effort was direct contact with senior residence directors and CEOs warning against vote interference and ballot harvesting committed by outside political agents or residence staff. ACRU made over 1,000 calls to nursing homes and senior living facilities in multiple states and sent over 3,000 letters nationwide warning against fraud and providing important legal details.

With direct calls to almost every nursing home in Pennsylvania, Protect Elderly Votes heavily targeted its outreach to the Keystone State. Now, according to a report from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham (R-SC), attention to nursing home election fraud in this state are well-founded.

“Senator Graham is reporting his Committee office has been alerted to the possibility of as many as 25,000 potentially fraudulent votes gathered illegally from nursing home residents in Pennsylvania. Its state law does not allow ballot harvesting, yet thousands of seniors across the state seem to have requested ballots in a very short window of time,” notes ACRU President Lori Roman.

“As the Senator continues his investigation, the important questions that must be answered include determining who requested these ballots and who completed them.”

Roman concludes: “We have seen the arrest of a social worker in Texas charged with falsifying ballots of residents in the facility where she worked and we have received numerous tips through our vote fraud hotline indicating that nursing home staff or activists are taking advantage of elderly patients. This is not only vote fraud but certainly a form of elder abuse. No American should stand for this disgusting abuse of power.”

American Constitutional Rights Union, a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally-protected civil rights of all Americans.

November 16th, 2020|

ACRU Action Names Virginia Governor Ralph Northam “Crisis Tyrant of the Week”

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 4, 2020 877-730-2278

Northam takes advantage of a deadly national health crisis to enact a progressive agenda he couldn’t pass in normal circumstances.

Naples, FL— The American Constitutional Rights Union named Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) as its Crisis Tyrant this week, based on his arbitrary and excessive COVID-19 restrictions, and using a pandemic to pass laws that permanently harm the integrity of the Commonwealth and its residents.

“From the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis, Governor Northam demonstrated disdain for a secure election process and Constitutional protections. He seems to view the people of Virginia as his subjects rather than citizens,” says ACRU President Lori Roman.

In January, Northam’s attempts to pass draconian restrictions on law-abiding gun owners were met with massive protests in the state’s capital. In early 2020, he announced his wish list of liberal changes to the election process.

“Governor Northam has been trying to pass his progressive agenda since he was elected,” Roman continued. “After fierce opposition to his policies before the virus, he is now using pandemic fog to pass anti-freedom provisions hoping nobody will notice — but ACRU certainly did.”

Northam signed legislation removing vote security provisions such as voter photo ID and requiring a certified reason for absentee ballot requests—a precursor to unverifiable mail-only voting. The Governor signed bills exposing Virginians to rights violations under red flag laws and limited firearm purchases to an arbitrary one handgun a month.

Additionally, Northam’s March decision to force people to stay at home statewide until June 10 was made with no epidemiological data or medical rationale. He has so far refused to amend restrictions although at least half of the state’s 95 counties have fewer than 50 cases of COVID-19 and three counties have none.

Roman continued, “Northam deliberately made the stay-at-home order end on June 10, the day after the Congressional primary election. This will, of course, force a lower voter turnout, leaving many to speculate that he did so to make the case for universal mail in ballots in the future.”

Universal mail-in ballots have a high potential for fraud when delivered to a registered voter’s previous address of record with no idea if that person is still at that address, or even still living.

The U.S. Justice Department recently sided with a Virginia pastor and the Constitution in a case where local police—using Northam’s COVID-19 orders—fined the pastor for holding a socially-distanced service for 16 people in a church that holds nearly 300. The DOJ determined Northam’s orders could not supersede First Amendment protections and noted he was committing “unlawful discrimination.”

“It’s hard to keep track of all the Constitutional protections Northam is pillaging with his orders,” says Roman. “The Second Amendment, the rights to assembly and to petition government are taking a hit. Freedom of religion is also abridged as his orders have even led to pastors being cited for ‘drive-through church’ where everyone stays inside their own cars.

“Governor Northam thought he could slide his liberal, anti-Constitutional agenda under the public’s rug thanks to a compliant media and Virginians who are busy trying to stay medically and financially sound. His actions prove he has clearly made this cynical calculation. That alone is enough to designate him Crisis Tyrant of the Week,” she concludes.


The American Constitutional Rights Union Action Fund is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally-protected civil rights of all Americans.


This press release may be reprinted in part or in whole with proper attribution to the American Constitutional Rights Union Action Fund and its president, Lori Roman.

ACRU Action President Lori Roman is available to discuss the “Tyrant of the Week” at the above referenced contacts.

May 4th, 2020|

American Constitutional Rights Union Announces Protect Elderly Votes Project

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: April 30, 2020 877-730-2278

ACRU takes action on behalf of the nation’s seniors to protect their voting rights

Naples, FL— American Constitutional Rights Union honors and appreciates America’s seniors for the positive influences and tremendous sacrifices they have made to ensure the safety and security of our nation at home and abroad.

ACRU’s Protect Elderly Votes project, launched today, will work to protect seniors from those who may wish to defraud them of their vote, by providing resources and guidance for seniors, senior residence staff, and anyone assisting the elderly with their voting.

Nearly six months away from the next national election on November 3, 2020, many liberal governors are using the COVID-19 pandemic as an excuse to order changes to election policy that make voting less secure and increases the chance of widespread vote fraud. These changes include eliminating photo ID requirements for voters and universal vote by mail.

ACRU believes elderly voters in our communities may be at particular risk to be targets of vote fraud and ballot manipulation as many face unique challenges such as a decline in vision or hearing, mobility issues, or a move to new and unfamiliar residences.

Amb. J. Kenneth Blackwell, a member of the ACRU Policy Board and a former Secretary of State from Ohio, acknowledged the importance of protecting the votes of our elderly citizens, noting, “We must take every action to ensure the integrity and intent of our seniors’ political choices at a time when they are at risk to be targets of vote fraud. Americans under 65 must demonstrate their gratitude for the continued guidance of our treasured seniors by protecting their votes.”

“There are numerous instances of political activists appearing on the doorsteps or residential units of our seniors with offers to ‘help’ fill out and deliver voter registration cards as well as ballots. Many of these persons, unknown to the elderly voter, have been prosecuted for checking a box on the ballot that goes against the senior’s wishes,” says Lori Roman, ACRU President.

“Political activists may go door to door in areas with a high senior population to turn out the vote—this is entirely acceptable and even encouraged–but we must protect seniors from those wish to defraud them of their freely decided vote. ACRU has created the Senior Citizens Voter Bill of Rights to assist seniors in understanding their continuing right to vote, navigating registration procedures for a new voting location, as well as helping them recognize the signs of vote fraud,” stated Roman.

“We hope every American will join us in our crusade to protect elderly votes by visiting our website and learning about the unique challenges senior voters face, signing the Protect Elderly Votes petition and by sharing our critically important Senior Citizen Voter Bill of Rights. We also encourage use of our hotline to report possible fraud.

“We are all in this together for our great American seniors,” Roman concludes.

Protect Elderly Votes is a project of the American Constitutional Rights Union, a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally-protected civil rights of all Americans.

This press release may be reprinted in part or in whole with proper attribution to the American Constitutional Rights Union, Protect Elderly Votes and its president, Lori Roman. ACRU President Lori Roman and ACRU Policy Board Member Ken Blackwell are available to discuss the Protect Elderly Votes project at the above-referenced contacts.

April 30th, 2020|
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