PEV Actions

PEV Actions2020-02-04T13:23:51+00:00


Media Availability: Enough of the Left’s ‘Threats to Democracy’ Rhetoric


CONTACT: Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628,

MEDIA AVAILABILITY: Former Congressman LTC Allen West, Executive Director, ACRU

Enough of the Left’s ‘Threats to Democracy’ Rhetoric

Those Making Accusations Are The True Threat

Naples, FL — “Most often when someone, or a group, consistently and incessantly refers to others with certain disparaging, demeaning, and destructive accusations, it is because they are projecting their own behavior upon others,” observes ACRU Executive Director Allen West in his latest Townhall OPED. “This is the case with the repeated “threats to democracy” narrative that the progressive socialist left has been firing against anyone opposing their totalitarianism.”

West continues, “It began after that abhorrent speech by Joe Biden last year in front of the disturbing backdrop of Independence Hall. This empty assertion continues to be used by the left because, in their minds, it worked for them in the 2022 midterm elections. However, a precise and bold analysis will show that those on the left are the actual threats to our representative democracy in America . . . and remember, America is a Constitutional Republic.”

What are the real “threats to democracy” attributable to those making these hypocritical accusations? Let’s start with unsolicited mail-in ballots. Sent to often outdated and incorrect voter registration lists, this tsunami of potential votes is ripe for the simplest fraud scheme ever, as there are few, if any, real controls. Compound this problem with fanatical opposition to common sense fraud prevention procedures like voter registration roll reviews, signature verification, and unsecured ballot drop boxes, and we see the true purpose of the schemes clearly.

West continues, “The left is even attempting to change the manner in which we vote in America. Have y’all heard of this new effort called “rank choice voting?” This tomfoolery is akin to March Madness bracketology and far more complicated. Instead of one person, one vote, it is now one person ranking all candidates. Yep, the leftists want to eliminate the respective political party primary voting.”

We cannot continue to allow the progressive socialist left to dominate with their scripted talking points and absurd narratives. It is time we, constitutional conservatives, go on offense and attack their lies.


American Constitutional Rights Union is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending all Americans’ constitutionally protected civil rights.

March 13th, 2023|

The Association of Mature American Citizens and The American Constitutional Rights Union Join Forces to Protect Senior Voters


For further information, contact:

ACRU: Tracey Miller

AMAC: Alyssa Lopresti

Media Availability:

AMAC President Rebecca Weber, AMAC Action Senior VP Andy Mangione

ACRU Exec. Dir. LTC Allen West, ACRU Policy Board Member Ken Blackwell, ACRU President Lori Roman

The Association of Mature American Citizens and The American Constitutional Rights Union join forces to protect senior voters

WASHINGTON, DC — “If there was ever a senior-centric election cycle, it’s this year’s midterm elections; older Americans will win big or lose. It is critical that the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population, senior citizens, protect their rights, particularly their voting rights,” says Rebecca Weber, CEO of the Association of Mature American Citizens (AMAC). To this end, she announces that AMAC, its AMAC Action advocacy team, and the AMAC Foundation have joined forces with The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) to ensure that elderly voters are heard and protected. ACRU is the nation’s leading advocate for protection of vulnerable voters.

The evidence of real and tangible fraud is growing, according to ACRU Board Members, former Attorney General Edwin Meese III and former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell. Their recent Townhall article indicates that the problem is widespread. “In Wisconsin, the state assembly appointed a special counsel to investigate vote fraud in nursing homes after an investigation by a county sheriff uncovered evidence indicating numerous cases of vote fraud in a nursing home. Special Counsel Michael Gableman, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, released a report this year indicating ‘rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide’ at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities.”

This mounting evidence led AMAC’s Weber to take action by joining forces with ACRU and ACRU’s team of experts, including Meese, Blackwell, LTC Allen West and ACRU President Lori Roman.  “It is time to take measures to ensure not only the safety of seniors who reside in these facilities but to demand that their rights — including voting rights — are protected,” stated Weber.

The AMAC chief notes that Dr. Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., has also joined with ACRU in its efforts to expose and put an end to elder voter fraud, particularly fraud found in nursing homes and other senior citizen facilities. According to Dr. King, her uncle “fought to ensure that every single American had the right to vote freely [but] many of those voters are nursing home residents who are often targeted by those who would steal or suppress their votes.”

The American Constitutional Rights Union has been working to protect the votes of vulnerable voters since they launched their Protect Elderly Votes Project in 2020. The project has been expanded to protect other vulnerable voters. This week the organization launched the Center for Vulnerable Voters (, which will be a valuable resource for AMAC members.

During the 2020 and 2022 election seasons, ACRU has worked across the nation to educate facility staff of their legal and moral obligations to residents, inform residents and their families of their rights and assist residents and family members in filing formal complaints.

ACRU’s Senior Citizen Voter Bill of Rights has been used by many facilities across the country. And this year, ACRU’s guide for citizens and family members who wish to protect the rights of vulnerable voters has been the cornerstone of the organization’s nationwide training. Because AMAC is focused squarely on protecting the interests of America’s seniors, these resources will now be in the hands of AMAC members.

In addition to these resources, ACRU’s Vote Fraud Hotline is another important tool to help end this form of abuse. The hotline has brought in many actionable tips for handling by ACRU’s legal team and staff. “With our joint operation with AMAC, we are even closer to putting an end to this form of vote fraud,” said Roman.

Roman notes, “We’ve received reports of cognitively impaired facility residents having their ballot choices made by staff, sometimes under coercion and often without their knowledge. Other complaints have uncovered activist groups across the country collecting ballots from residential facilities with the promise that the ballots would be delivered to election officials. The chain of custody and security of ballots should be a foremost concern.”

“In 2020, a Texas social worker was indicted on 134 felony counts of vote fraud for registering mentally incapacitated citizens to vote without their consent.  And this year, an employee at the Father Murray Nursing Center in Macomb County, Michigan, was sentenced to jail for forging signatures on absentee ballot applications. This abuse of vulnerable voters is not acceptable,” said Roman.

AMAC’s Weber says that America’s electoral process is “under siege” and that AMAC’s joint venture with ACRU comes at a time when the fate of our nation “is in the balance.”

AMAC Foundation Executive Director Joleen Teninty embraces the collaboration with the ACRU saying, “I look forward to the opportunity to expand and enhance the resources we provide. It will be a productive partnership to ensure America’s senior and Veteran communities stay informed.

October 20th, 2022|

Media Availability: Ambassador Ken Blackwell — The Most Despicable Vote Fraud

** Media Availability **


CONTACT: Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628,

Media Availability: Ambassador J. Kenneth Blackwell

The Most Despicable Vote Fraud

Evidence Mounts of Vote Fraud Targeting Most Vulnerable Voters

Naples, FL — Attorney General and American Constitutional Rights Union director Edwin Meese III and Ambassador and ACRU board member J. Kenneth Blackwell warn against rampant abuse of our country’s most vulnerable voters — senior citizens. Since the ACRU launched its Protect Vulnerable Voters initiative, troubling reports of vulnerable voter abuse have streamed in.

ACRU CEO Lori Roman notes, “We’ve received reports of cognitively impaired facility residents having their ballot choices made by staff, sometimes under coercion and often without their knowledge. Other complaints have uncovered activist groups across the country collecting ballots from residential facilities with the promise that the ballots would be delivered to election officials. The chain of custody and security of ballots should be a foremost concern for any facility director.”

As for the legacy media drumbeat of “unfounded claims of vote fraud,” the evidence of real and tangible fraud is growing, as Meese and Blackwell note in their recent Town Hall story.

“In Wisconsin, the state assembly appointed a special counsel to investigate vote fraud in nursing homes after an investigation by a county sheriff uncovered evidence indicating numerous cases of vote fraud in a nursing home. Special Counsel Michael Gableman, a former Wisconsin Supreme Court Justice, released a report this year indicating ‘rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide’ at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities.”

Unfounded or rampant? Which is it?

“In 2020, a Texas social worker was indicted on 134 felony counts of vote fraud for registering mentally incapacitated citizens to vote without their consent.  And this year, an employee at the Father Murray Nursing Center in Macomb County, Michigan, was sentenced to jail for forging signatures on absentee ballot applications.”

Nursing home associations, corporations and individual facilities must step up to the plate to fix this rampant problem. Lack of staff training, management oversight and attention to ballot chain of custody, and unmonitored “assistance” with ballot requests and submissions create opportunities for coercion and direct vote theft. To assist them in educating their staff, residents, and families, ACRU has created a  Senior Citizen Voting Bill of Rights.

ACRU has also created a guide for citizens and family members who wish to protect the rights of vulnerable voters from those who would suppress or steal their votes.



American Constitutional Rights Union is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending all Americans’ constitutionally protected civil rights.

August 2nd, 2022|

Press Release: Allen West — Intolerance Leads to Cultural Suicide

** Media Availability **


CONTACT: Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628,

Media Availability: Lt. Col. Allen West, ACRU Executive Director

Intolerance Leads to Cultural Suicide

The One-Way Tolerance Street is a Dead End

Naples, FL — Have you ever wondered which group is the most “extreme political organization in the United States?”

Perhaps the Ku Klux Klan? How about Antifa? Maybe the Weather Underground? Or what about the Westboro Baptist Church crowd? Nope. According to President Joe Biden, the most extreme political organization is “those MAGA people.”

ACRU Executive Allen West sees through this. “What Biden’s words convey to us is that any dissension from the leftist progressive ideological agenda is deemed extreme. And therefore, they are setting up the usual Marxist, socialist, playbook of demonizing their opposition. This is supposedly the tolerant left and the President who spoke of unity.”

The intolerance of the left seemingly knows no bounds. When they can’t convert hearts and minds to their ideals through the single, constitutionally-protected legislation process, they turn to other methods like judicial activism.

When the Supreme Court decided 7-2 that based upon individual privacy, a woman could murder an unborn child, the Left thought those seven white fellas were great. Now, the Supreme Court has had a draft opinion leaked on the Roe V Wade decision and the Left has resorted to bullying, intimidation, vandalism, and threats to stop the Court from moving this matter to the duly elected representatives in the states,” West adds.

Every American must take back all areas of life from the socialists—schools, colleges, private sector companies, nonprofits, government agencies and elected offices. We need poll workers and watchers, candidates, advocates, and every single mom and dad to get involved in taking back schools. Fight back against the woke socialist mobs at the management and board levels of businesses and nonprofits. Take a stand against vaccine mandates at your place of employment by fighting back against the crisis tyrants who strip away our rights one by one, using every “crisis” as an excuse.

We’ve got a country to save. Let’s get to it.

American Constitutional Rights Union is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending all Americans’ constitutionally protected civil rights.

May 10th, 2022|

Media Availability: Ken Blackwell, Protect Vulnerable Voters from Fraud

** Media Availability **


CONTACT: Tracey Miller, 202-660-1628,

Media Availability: Ken Blackwell, Ambassador and former Ohio Secretary of State and Lori Roman, President, ACRU

Stranger Danger: Protect Vulnerable Voters from Fraud

Naples, FL — In a new OPED for American Constitutional Rights Union, Policy Board Member Ken Blackwell notes that unfounded claims of election fraud are, in fact, unfounded.

“The danger is real. Anyone who has been paying attention to election security issues for the last couple of decades knows that election fraud in nursing homes, group homes and other residential facilities has been an open secret.”

Blackwell continues by outlining recent cases of vote fraud targeting the most vulnerable voters among us, residents of elderly, nursing, and group homes.

“In Macomb County Michigan an employee at the Father Murray Nursing Center was recently sentenced to jail for forging signatures on absentee ballot applications.

“In Wisconsin, the state assembly appointed a special counsel to investigate possible vote fraud in nursing homes after an investigation by the Racine Sheriff’s Office uncovered evidence indicating vote fraud in a Racine nursing home.

“The Office of Special Counsel’s second interim report was released this month indicating, ‘rampant fraud and abuse occurred statewide at Wisconsin’s nursing homes and other residential care facilities.’ After investigating more than 90 nursing homes in five counties, the Special Counsel concluded that there was specific evidence of fraud, including illegally assisting and marking ballots and possible forgery.”

None of this came as a surprise to the American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU). Our Protect Vulnerable Voters project was fully operational in the 2020 election season. The results of our extensive efforts led us to conclude that widespread vote fraud in residential facilities for elderly and disabled Americans is a national disgrace.


American Constitutional Rights Union is a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending all Americans’ constitutionally protected civil rights.

March 29th, 2022|

Nursing Home Vote Fraud is Elder Abuse — ACRU Applauds Racine Wisconsin Sheriff’s Department

Naples, FL— The American Constitutional Rights Union (ACRU) points to the shocking case in Racine, Wisconsin asmore proof that abuse of elderly and vulnerable voters is a nationwide problem. ACRU is the nation’s leading advocate for the protection of vulnerable voters.

ACRU President Lori Roman stated: “We applaud the Racine Wisconsin Sheriff’s Department for thoroughly investigating this complaint. And we are grateful to the family members of the elderly voters for the way in which they have stood up for their parents’ rights.”

“The press conference held by the Racine County Sheriff should be an example for law enforcement, district attorneys, and attorneys general across the country,” said Roman.

The American Constitutional Rights Union has been working to protect the votes of vulnerable voters since they launched their Protect Elderly Votes Project in 2019. The project has been expanded to protect disabled voters in residential facilities (

Former Secretary of State for Ohio and ACRU Action Board of Director Ken Blackwell notes, “We celebrate our patriotic seniors and the invaluable contributions they have made to the financial strength and fundamental freedoms we enjoy as Americans. In turn, we must take every action to ensure the integrity and intent of our seniors’ political choices at a time when they are at risk to be targets of vote fraud. Americans under 65 must demonstrate their gratitude for the continued guidance of our treasured seniors by protecting their votes.”

During the 2020 election season, ACRU worked across the nation to educate facility staff of their legal and moral obligations to residents, inform residents and their families of their rights and assist residents and family members in filing complaints. ACRU’s Senior Citizen Voter Bill of Rights has been used by many facilities across the country.

“ACRU’s Vote Fraud Hotline brought in many actionable tips for handling by ACRU’s legal team and staff in the 2020 election season. Unfortunately, abuse of vulnerable voters is widespread. ACRU is determined to put an end to it,” said Roman.


American Constitutional Rights Union, a non-partisan, non-profit public policy organization dedicated to defending the constitutionally protected civil rights of all Americans.

October 29th, 2021|
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