
Ranked Choice Voting is Bad News!

Advocates are pushing Ranked-Choice Voting at nearly every local and state level. Why? Proponents claim that Ranked-Choice Voting allows voters to express their preferences for multiple candidates and ensures that the ultimate winner is the candidate with the most overall support rather than just the one with the most first-choice votes. While this may sound nice in theory, in practice, it’s a scheme allowing candidates with a minority of voter support to win through mathematical technicalities. Here's what you need to know about how Ranked-Choice Voting really works and the dangers it brings.

Live Free TV: What You Need to Know About Ranked Choice Voting

LTC Allen West welcomes Phil Izon from the Ranked Choice Education Association. After seeing firsthand the confusion caused by the system in Alaska, Phil decided to get involved. Listen in to learn how Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is confusing, challenging to audit and often leads to third-place candidates "winning." You might be surprised to discover who is behind the nationwide effort to make RCV the standard.

Live Free TV: Election Integrity Threats with Gina Swoboda of the Voter Reference Foundation

Live Free TV Host Allen West welcomes Gina Swoboda of the Voter Reference Foundation to discuss the millions of voter roll irregularities, the potential problems with large-scale mail-out ballot programs, voting by non-citizens, and other threats to free and fair elections.

Dr. Alveda King: We Must Protect Vulnerable Voters

An important message from Dr. Alveda King. Together we fought to ensure every American had the right to vote freely. Nursing home residents and other vulnerable vote fraud groups have been targeted for vote fraud, with their votes suppressed and even stolen. Together we can curb this despicable form of vote fraud by reporting abuse to the Vote Fraud Hotline at 888-820-VOTE.

Allen West: We must protect the voting rights of our most vulnerable voters.

The critical election cycle is just around the corner, and we must not allow what happened in 2020 to happen again. ACRU is focused on protecting the votes of our most vulnerable voters — senior citizens, group home residents, citizens abroad, the disabled, and our military.

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